Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Leaving China

I was almost done with this whole long post, then it disappeared! So frustraing!!!
So now I have to try and reemeber everythig I wrote and I should be in bed as I have to get up at 4:30AM! Please pray for us as we have an EXTREMELY long day tomorrow. We leave the hotel at 5:30am, fly to Beijing where we have a 5 hour layover, then fly to Seattle where we have a 9 hour layover. We are supposed to arrive in Fresno around midnight. We will be doing 2 days in 1 day. I can hardly wait!
We did go to the market today, I'm so glad we did. It was really cool especially for our last day to really be "in" the culture and feel more like foreigners instead of just being in the tourist area. It was like an extreme Winco. ANything and everything you could ever want in bulk. Except I don't know what most of it was. I did see lots of dried herbs, animal hooves/legs, snake skin, dried frogs, live turtles, live scorpions (they put them in soup and they were big!), rabbits, kittens, ducks, baby chicks...all kinds of stuff.
This afternoon I finished up my shopping. I knew I was done when I felt like I had seen the same things a hundred times and just did not feel the need to buy anything else.
Tonight was dinner with our whole group. It is sad to be going our separate ways.
After dinner Rod wanted to walk by the church one more time. There is a Christian church right by our hotel (registered of course). It has a gate around it and we were just standing outside the gate lokking at it. A nice man started talking to us in english and invited us in. They were having choir practice. They had prayer and Bible reading first, then we had to leave when they were still warming up. But it was so cool to be sitting inside a Christian church in China. Now I have a specific one to pray for.
So we are at the end of this part of the adoption journey, its hard to believe. All the paperwork, waiting and waiting, frustration, joy, anticipation, so hard to describe.
So blessed that we have been able to do this. We are so thankful for everyone who has prayed for us and helped us in so many ways along the way. Thank you is just not enough!

1 comment:

  1. Praying as you fly home on your really long trip! It will be memorable I can tell you that! :)
