Sunday, December 11, 2011

Still here

Tomorrow we have our 9 month post placement visit for Caleb. It won't be 9 mos. til Jan. but the SW wanted to get it done before Christmas. Still hard to believe that he has been home this long.
His most recent thing is having to get an appliance to cover the hole that is behind his top front teeth. He hates it! But it is keeping the food from coming out of his nose and will help his speech. He had his speech eval. and will begin in Jan.
So we've just been busy with daily life and buried in paperwork and on-line education for our little girl waiting in China.
We were very excited to get our fingerprints done for immigration on Friday! It was 10 days before our scheduled appt. So hopefully it will be processed quickly. We have to have the approval letter to send with our dossier. So now I'm trying to finish up some more paperwork and will have our SW look at it tomorrow when she comes. Hoping and praying we can send our dossier to China before Chinese New Year which is Jan. 23rd. Also hoping and praying to be matched in Feb. or March, but we'll see. Many more people are waiting for girls. But Noelle Faith should hopefully be home no later than next Christmas. Our hope and faith is in Christ. She is in the hands of her loving heavenly Father who loves her more than we do. But I am getting anxious to meet her and to travel to China again. It is like giving birth, after a few months you get anxious to do it again!