Saturday, March 20, 2010

Still going...

For awhile there wasn't really much to "report". We had to wait for several weeks to get our clearances from KS so our home study could be finished. The last several weeks have been busy with working on our dossier, everything is done except waiting on my birth certificate, and then waiting on USCIS to let us know when we can go get fingerprinted.( This will be the 2nd time) We are hoping it will be before our vacation at the end of April.
The other big thing that has been keeping me busy is trying to find and figure out some services and things for one of our children with special needs. Please keep us in your prayers with that. Even in dealing with all of this it has not detoured us from adopting, God still says "Go!"
Hopefully everything will get to China in the next couple of months, then we wait for our referral.