Sunday, January 31, 2010


Rod and I made it through our individual interviews on Thursday. Our home visit is scheduled for the 10th, hopefully it won't have to get changed again! This is such another great journey for God to show me that HE is in CHARGE and on His throne, I just need to obey and wait upon Him. Had such a great message at church today about obedience. Its not about us giving , its about us surrendering, to Him. I can never do enough for God. This journey is so much more about obedience, which brings freedom. We are not on this adoption journey to "do something great for God". We feel He has called us to this and we are walking in obedience. Is obedience easy? A lot of times, no. But it is the only way to have complete joy and freedom.
We put our names on a list for 3 boys and one girl that we would be interested in looking more closely at. Yes, there is one girl in there. We can still only get one at a time. The agency will make their decisions by Tuesday. We are at the bottom of the list since our home visit is not even done. But if God wants us to have one of these kids then we will. So we are not getting our hopes up on any of them, just waiting and praying. If not any in this group, then we wait for God to show us the child He has for us.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Set back

Our interviews for today had to be postponed. I was very disappointed because it pushes everything back and we worked so hard to get our paperwork done so quickly.
But we have so much to be thankful for, God still sits on His throne and is in control. I know on this journey there will be so much that is out of my control and another avenue for me to totally depend on God.
There are also some new listings of children so pray for us as we pray about if we want to put our names in for any of them. And we would be at the bottom because we don't even have our homestudy done yet. God's timing is always perfect!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Oh my goodness!

Got our paperwork turned in Tuesday, but our social worker was out this week. But we knew she would be in today because they had CPR class. So in the back of my mind I thought there was a slight possibility that she would call, but didn't have my hopes up or think about it. But then she called at 5:30 this evening. She was so shocked that we had gotten our paperwork done so quickly! So we have our individual interviews next Thursday afternoon then our home visit the next Thursday! That is the "Oh My Goodness" part. We are very excited but maybe a little overwhelmed,but I know it will be fine. Those that know me know I keep my house clean, but I wanted to do some "Spring cleaning" before our home visit. But its all right, God knows, and we may have a day off of school for cleaning day! So our home study will be done in just 3 weeks!
The other thing is that she also sent us a profile and a picture of a 2 1/2 year old boy. I was so anxious for this part to start, but now my head is spinning. Thank you for your prayers!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Paperwork in!

Took all our home study paperwork to Bethany today, YAY! Can't believe we got it done in a week, whew...Got our fingerprints done yesterday, reading the books we are supposed to read, need to start the on-line class we have to do. Next will be our individual interviews and then the home visit.
I have to keep reminding myself that everything is in God's time, not mine. But it is hard when you know your child is out there waiting!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Paperwork begins

We had our intake interviews yesterday and came home with a pile of paperwork. Our social worker told us the fastest she has seen anyone get it all done was 2 1/2 weeks. Well that certainly challenged us! Not that we are just trying to rush through everything, there are a few large packets with lots of personal and thought-provoking questions. But we are anxious to get moving and excited. I do not feel overwhelmed yet, although I know that will happen. But for now I am enjoying the ride...

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Let it begin!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Year's celebration! We shared our news
of adding to our family with family and friends. Rod bought some fortune cookies and inserted our own made up fortune to give to our parents. It said " May you be filled with joy knowing that you will be grandparents of a little boy from China." They were all surprised. We have chosen the name Caleb, which means "like the heart".
This journey has been years of waiting and prayer and we are so excited to begin. We have our intake interviews this Tuesday afternoon at Bethany and that will begin our home study process and lots of paperwork. Please pray for everything to go smoothly and quickly. Need to go for now!