Thursday, May 26, 2011

Finally back!

We have been home from China for 5 weeks, although it seems much longer than that! We are FINALLY all healthy, praise God and praying we stay that way for a long time! I feel like I'm getting my head above water and figuring out our new normal. I even finally got to make bread yesterday.
The older kids are great with Caleb and sometimes they love on him "too much" and he gets tired of them picking him up. But they are great in helping to take care of him and play with him. It is SOOOO much easier to have a toddler with older kids around! So go ahead and adopt a sweet little boy from China, there are HUNDREDS just sitting and waiting for their forever families, seriously!
We have had issues with adjustment and have been working on setting boundaries but things seem to be going well. I'm sure we will continue to have adjustments, just like with any new baby. It has been hard to pick up on schooling again, especially when everyone was sick and it now being the end of the school year, although we do school in the summer. So I think in the Fall will be another big adjustment as we start a new year with new activities and such.
Caleb has his surgery consultation on the 31st, also our wedding anniversary. Praying that he can have his surgery done this summer when our schedule isn't so busy.
I feel like I've had so much more to say these last weeks, but have been busy getting back to life.
This journey has been incredible! Incredibly hard at times and incredibly wonderful. It is still so hard to describe what a faith journey this has been and I'm sure will continue to be. My faith has been stretched and increased. These last weeks I've had to learn to take one day at a time, which is hard for this planner. God has provided in so many ways, it is amazing!
We appreciate all the prayers and encouragement and everyone who helped in so many ways! You are part of this story too!