Thursday, January 14, 2010

Oh my goodness!

Got our paperwork turned in Tuesday, but our social worker was out this week. But we knew she would be in today because they had CPR class. So in the back of my mind I thought there was a slight possibility that she would call, but didn't have my hopes up or think about it. But then she called at 5:30 this evening. She was so shocked that we had gotten our paperwork done so quickly! So we have our individual interviews next Thursday afternoon then our home visit the next Thursday! That is the "Oh My Goodness" part. We are very excited but maybe a little overwhelmed,but I know it will be fine. Those that know me know I keep my house clean, but I wanted to do some "Spring cleaning" before our home visit. But its all right, God knows, and we may have a day off of school for cleaning day! So our home study will be done in just 3 weeks!
The other thing is that she also sent us a profile and a picture of a 2 1/2 year old boy. I was so anxious for this part to start, but now my head is spinning. Thank you for your prayers!


  1. I'm in for cleaning...give me a list.

  2. Congrats on getting everything in so quickly!
    You haven't said very much about the little boy other than his age... can you tell us about him? Does he have any special needs? Etc??
    Did they say how long the entire process would be and when you should be able to bring him home?


  3. YEAH..this is soooooooo exciting for you & the fam!!! God seems to be working in this soo awesome it that??? :o)
