Tuesday, April 9, 2013

This pic was from yesterday in front of the civil affairs office after we had signed the paperwork to make her adoption official. Still can't believe we have her and that we have 5 kids now!! Wanted to post some more pics, but Rod is off exercising and I don't know why the other pics didn't download... It was a nice day here today. I FINALLY slept better last night so I feel so much better. Noelle woke up at 2 am crying. She actually took her pacifer, she wouldn't the night before, and I held and rocked her until she went back to sleep til 7:30! She still isn't taking a lot of liquid unless we spoon feed it to her, but if that's what we have to do for now, than we do it...Overall she is doing very well. We love her sweet little laugh. She loves to play. After breakfast we went to Panda World. It was so cool to see pandas in person. After that we went to see an old style house, similar to the Hutong tour that we did in Beijing. Then we went and did a tea ceremony and tasted 3 kinds of tea. We bought some Black Dragon Ginger tea, very yummy! We had instant noodles in our room for lunch then went for a nice walk around the lake. She took a good nap while we took turns exercising in the gym. Tonight we will probably just eat in the hotel, as they are warning us to be careful because of the bird flu. Last night we went to a restaurant near the hotel that our guide said was safe. It was good, but very loud, busy, and smoky. Tomorrow we are going to visit a temple and I 'm not sure what else we will do. Thursday I think we will visit a museum and hopefully go to the orphanage in the afternoon. Friday we fly to Guangzhou to complete the adoption with the US consulate and do some site seeing and shopping. We can't wait to get there and meet all the new children in our group. We quickly bonded with the families in our group and have been sending e-mails to each other with encouragement and questions. This process just bonds you together like nothing else! We are having to stay in this city while all the paperwork is processed and passports for the kids can be issued. Our boys back home seem to be doing well and we are so thankful for my parents and friends who are taking care of them!! We miss them! Please pray for continued health for all of us, here and there, that Noelle will drink more (she is eating well), that we will all sleep well again tonight, safety, continues good bonding. Thank you so much for your support and prayers!

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