Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Rough night and temple visit

Noelle was really grieving last night. She took most of her bottle, but then was just very restless. I tried to rock and comfort her but she just squirmed. I put her to bed but she didn't want to sleep. Rod picked her up, then she screamed for an hour. We were surprised that no one came to our door. We have been through this before and we read about it, but nothing can fully prepare you. It is nesscesary but heartbreaking. She finally cried herself to sleep in Rod's arms and slept all night. Today she has been fine. Today we visitied a buddist temple. It was a busy offering day as it is most popular to come to the temple on a new moon and half moon. We also found out our guide is buddist, so please pray for her! The temple was interesting to see, but very difficult to be there. There was much offering of incense, food, and bowing down before these massive statues. My chest felt heavy as we were there. It was good for Naomi to see this and for her to visibly see how our God is not dead, but is ALIVE and working in our lives. We don't have to work to try and please Him or stay on his good side. Rod also felt very oppressed and we were walking around with hundreds of people who will go to hell unless someone brings them the gospel. We just had a snack in our room for lunch then went for a walk around the lake. We also walked through a nearby amusement park. Austin would love the roller coaster! Came back to the room for baby's nap and took turns exercising in the gym. Tonight we think we are giong to venture out to the restaurant nearby again. Last night we stayed at the hotel and had "Western" food, hotdog, hamburger, and fish and chips. Tomorrow we are giong to see an agricultural area and go shopping. In the afternoon we are going to visit the orphanage. Noelle was only there the first 2 mos. of her life, but we really want to see it and Naomi wants to pass out candy to the orphans there. It will be a neat but hard experience. Thank you for all your prayers. We are all feeling pretty good and staying healthy. The bird flu is continuing to spread through China, so we are trying to be extra careful.

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